Rooms & schedule are subject to change! Early september we'll ask everyone to bookmark their favorite sessions and based on popularity we'll update the sessions.
AWS Community Day NL
AWS Community Day NL
Code of conduct
Previous Events
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00 Breakout 1
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:00 - 13:30 Breakout 2
13:35 - 14:05 Breakout 3
14:10 - 14:40 Breakout 4
14:45 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 16:30 Breakout 5
16:30 - 18:00 Drinks
13:00 - 13:30 Breakout 2
Affordable Alternatives: Breaking Appstream's limitations to replace AWS Workspaces
Zaal 7
| Time:
| Duration: 30
AWS Workspaces and AWS Appstream are two examples of services that enable users to put their desktop interface on the cloud to offload their compute requirements. They do this however in two completely different manners (and as such, have completely different pricetags). We will be talking about a scenario we encountered in which we migrated 260 users to appstream, the challenges we encountered in that transistion and about our solution in overcoming a very big limiting factor in using Appstream at scale.
Bart Mommers
AWS Cloud Engineer
Yaika Zeeman
AWS Cloud Engineer
Making sense of AWS Serverless operations. Serverless service quotas and how to deal with them.
Zaal 10
| Time:
| Duration: 30
There is a misunderstanding, that everything is possible with the Serverless Services in AWS, for example that your Lambda function may scale without limitations. But each AWS service (not only Serverless) has a big list of quotas that everybody needs to understand and take into account during the development. In this talk I’ll explain the most important things to be aware of for the scalability of the AWS Serverless services, explain quotas (from the hyper scalability point of view, but not only) of the services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Aurora Serverless, SQS, S3 and others and how to architect your solution with these quotas in mind.
Vadym Kazulkin
Head of Development at ip.labs in Bonn, Germany
Rearchitecting for scalability: Moving a mission critical application from single tenant to multi tenant
Zaal 11
| Time:
| Duration: 30
Both single tenant and multi-tenant approaches have their own pros and cons. While the single tenant approach is easy to start with, as your system grows it might not be sufficient enough. In this talk we are going to discuss how one of the mission critical applications in PostNL that was initially designed for single tenants was moved to a multi-tenant approach.
Pubudu Jayawardana
AWS Community Builder | Senior Solutions Software Engineer @ PostNL
Ryno Marree
Senior Solution Software Engineer @ PostNL
Sensible Security for AWS Workloads
Zaal 9
| Time:
| Duration: 30
We’ve all read the Well Architected Framework and followed best practices to build security into our workloads, but of all the controls and recommendations, which make the difference? Using real-world data and his ten years of cybersecurity experience, Nick will talk through the most common attack scenarios against AWS workloads, and the key security controls to have in place. Attendees will come away with a better understanding of the real security threats to their projects, and guidance on which controls to prioritise, why they matter, and how to balance them against engineering effort.
Nick Jones
Global Head of Research @ WithSecure Consulting
Shimmers: building an indie mobile game in 2024
Zaal 8
| Time:
| Duration: 30
Publishing a mobile game as a sole developer is harder than ever, with high user expectations, fierce competition, and stringent regulations. However, using modern tools and technologies, one man army indie developers with full time jobs can still be a thing in 2024! This talk focusses on my journey of conceptualising, building, and deploying an iOS & Android mobile game. We’ll go over the serverless AWS architecture, integrating AWS CDK and Amplify CLI, creating Midjourney art and serving it with Cloudfront and S3, and zoom in on the development journey with its many hurdles and curveballs.
Jochem Kleine
Cloud Consultant by day, Indie Developer by night