Rooms & schedule are subject to change! Early september we'll ask everyone to bookmark their favorite sessions and based on popularity we'll update the sessions.

Zero to Production Serverless: An 8-Week Real-World Journey

Room: Zaal 8 | Time: 13:35

A large business contract is signed and you are given the challenge to integrate two businesses as well as to build a customer portal capable of managing orders and taking payments. Could you and your team confidently deliver on time?

In this talk, you’ll hear about a real-world project journey, from concept to production in only eight weeks. From choosing the technologies, utilising Infrastructure-as-Code and serverless technologies, to the challenges of rapid development with a small team, I’ll give you the real story. Expect practical insights, mistakes, tips, and how using the right technologies and development process can deliver results fast.

Martyn Kilbryde
Head of Engineering at Chemist4U