Rooms & schedule are subject to change! Early september we'll ask everyone to bookmark their favorite sessions and based on popularity we'll update the sessions.

Shimmers: building an indie mobile game in 2024

Room: Zaal 8 | Time: 13:00

Publishing a mobile game as a sole developer is harder than ever, with high user expectations, fierce competition, and stringent regulations.

However, using modern tools and technologies, one man army indie developers with full time jobs can still be a thing in 2024!

This talk focusses on my journey of conceptualising, building, and deploying an iOS & Android mobile game.

We’ll go over the serverless AWS architecture, integrating AWS CDK and Amplify CLI, creating Midjourney art and serving it with Cloudfront and S3, and zoom in on the development journey with its many hurdles and curveballs.

Jochem Kleine
Cloud Consultant by day, Indie Developer by night